Lauren Lad | For All We Know

19 | Student | Avid internet user | Makeup geek

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Monday, January 21, 2013

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Hi! My name is Lauren and well, I have decided to start a blog! (And possibly a youtube channel..)Ultimately this is a way for me to further procrastinate my school work and other things I should be doing. This blog will probably be a beauty and lifestyle blog along with some personal things.

Recently I have been hearing back from colleges I have been applying to, and recieved this with one of my acceptances:


Personally, I think this is the best way to get a student's attention, actually recognizing them as a person and not just a name on a piece of paper and a bunch of numbers. Also, I was very unsure of my essay topic because people I talked to were writing about deaths or some major life event that impacted their life in some way. Honestly, yes, I have had people extremely close to me pass away, but it was when I was very young and while it has effected both my family and I, I did not feel as though I could write about it for a college admissions essay and feel confident that it reflected who I am. That is why I wrote about my self exploration and expression through the internet.

Well, if you read this, thank you, and I hope you will visit my blog often because I would like to try to update twice a week (I'll try!). My next post will probably be beauty and clothes favorites of this winter! (: x -Lauren